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Ornamental Gateway of Laxmi Puja, What is Tyndall effect?, What is the Tyndall effect example?, What is Tyndall effect one word?, Goddess Laxmi puja, Odisha fastival

Tyndall effect in


Gateway of Laxmi Puja

Here you can see at the top of ornamental gateway Tyndall effect occurred due to the fumes coming out from the Yagna pool (holy fire).

I get the practical knowledge of Tyndall effect from Ornamental Gateway of Laxmi Puja.
Tyndall effect:-
The scattering of light by particles in its path is known as Tyndall effect.
Ex:- Sunlight passes through a dense forest, Shinning a beam of sunlight or flashlight into the glass of milk, Sunlight enter into a dust room and Scattering of sunlight by water droplets in the air.

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