🤽The Game of Life🤽♀️
We're all players in the playground of life. Our goal is to control our thoughts and emotions every time and every moment in the Game of Life. There is a big difference between emotions and thoughts. Thoughts are very faster where as emotions move slowly. That is the main challenge in the game of life. But, one important thing is that here in this game no one can win and no one can lose also. Here is only three statements applicable in the game.
- First, If both emotions and thoughts are slow than the output result is happy.
- Second, If emotions and thoughts both are fast than the output result is also happy.
- Third, If thoughts faster than emotions or emotions slower than thoughts than the output result is unhappy or sadness in life.
As in general, thoughts always faster than emotions, hence the result is unhappiness most of the time like fail is common in other games. But our focus should be to win or to get the happiness in result.
Thank You For Your Appreciation.